Library Facilities

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B. K. N. Govt. Polytechnic, Narnaul

Responsible Officers / Officials: LIBRARY


Sr. No.

Name of Staff with Designation Photo

Qualification & Experience



Sh. Sube SinghLecturer

Officer In-Charge Library

Mobile: 9466771657


  1. Overall In-Charge of Library
  2. Responsible of availability books in Library as per Curriculum of all branches.
  3. Responsible for availability of all Journals, News Papers, E-contents in Library as per AICTE Norms.


Sh. Naresh Kumar

Junior Librarian

Mobile: 9466038078

  1. B. A.
  2. B. Lib.

Experience: 17 ½ Years

  1. Responsible for Opening Digital Library, E-Library, reading Room as per schedule.
  2. Responsible for maintaining proper records of Books / Journals & all other facilities in Library.
  3. Responsible for Issuing Books to Students as per Library Rules / Guidelines.
  4. Responsible for recovery of Books Amounts as per Library Rule, if students did not return books in prescribed time.


Library for Students & Staff

Institute has big Central Library with 04 Sections:

i. Digital Library: There are 20,731 books in digital Library for all branches.

ii. E-Library: In E-Library, there are 15 computers systems with internet facility.

iii. SC Book Bank:There are 4560 books for SC students.

iv. Reading Room:There is Reading Room in Library for students and staff, having Technical Magazines / Journals, 09 daily news papers.

A Library plays a vital role in the search of knowledge. It serves as the workshop for students and faculty. Our Institute Library aims to support the teaching learning activity and also provide the students updated knowledge and to ensure the optimum utilization of the available resources.

The Library of the Institute carries a full range of materials to support the curriculum and the lifelong learning needs of our students, and staff. Key services and

collections include reference books, general books, curriculum books, print materials, audiovisual materials, electronic resources, internet access, and individual and group study areas. There are more than 4099 Titles of Technical Books available in the library.

The Library's mission statement reads as follows:

  • The mission of the Library is to support student learning and excellence in teaching.
  • Provide access to learning resources in all formats, assist students in locating and evaluating information.
  • Encourage lifelong learning.